Diana Leguizamón

Senior Associate

LLM, BSc (Hons) Biology)

Diana Leguizamón has been active in the field of intellectual property since 2002. As a European Patent Attorney and European Patent Litigator (diploma on “Patent Litigation in Europe” (CEIPI)), she can represent clients before the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC). Diana re-joined the firm in 2024 and works at the firm’s Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals practice group.

+ 49 89 210 296 0



Diana Leguizamón

Senior Associate

LLM, BSc (Hons) Biology)

Diana Leguizamón has been active in the field of intellectual property since 2002. As a European Patent Attorney and European Patent Litigator (diploma on “Patent Litigation in Europe” (CEIPI)), she can represent clients before the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC). Diana re-joined the firm in 2024 and works at the firm’s Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals practice group.

+ 49 89 210 296 0



practice areas.

Diana’s technical focus lies in the fields of in cell biology, stem cell biology, molecular biology, targets and antibodies, biogenetics and plant biology/biotechnology. She is involved in patent prosecution concerning European patents. A main focus of her practice is opposition and appeal matters before the European Patent Office.

Diana also has experience in the preparation of freedom-to-operate opinions, and the conduction of IP due diligence projects. Given her in-house experience as Director and Head of IP at Immatics Biotechnologies, she also has significant experience in the handling of international patent portfolios, and a special understanding of clients’ economic and counseling needs from a business perspective.


  • European Patent Attorney
  • Unified Patent Court (UPC) representative


  • Author of publications in patent and intellectual property law
  • Chambers Global - recognized in the area of Intellectual Property for Germany "foreign experts" and Colombia "experts based abroad" (2013 and 2014)

curriculum vitae.


Seni­or Asso­cia­te at df-mp


Direc­tor and Head of IP in a glo­bal bio­tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­ny (Imma­tics Bio­tech­no­lo­gies GmbH)


Euro­pean Patent Att­or­ney at df-mp


Diplo­ma for patent liti­ga­ti­on in Euro­pe at the Cent­re d’Étu­des Inter­na­tio­na­les de la Pro­prié­té Intellec­tu­el­le (CEIPI) — Qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on for repre­sen­ta­ti­on befo­re the Uni­fied Patent Court (UPC)


Euro­pean Patent Att­or­ney and Seni­or Asso­cia­te at the IP Depart­ment of the Inter­na­tio­nal Law Firm Jones Day


App­ren­ti­ce in the Life Sci­ence Depart­ment of the IP Law Firm Vos­si­us & Part­ner


Doc­to­ral Rese­ar­cher — Max Planck Insti­tu­te for Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty, Com­pe­ti­ti­on and Tax Law. Dis­ser­ta­ti­on: “Legal pro­tec­tion of new plant varie­ties and modern plant bree­ding in Latin Ame­ri­can count­ries”  


Mas­ter of Laws in Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty (LL.M. IP), Munich Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty Law Cen­ter (MIPLC). Mas­ter the­sis: “Patent pro­tec­tion of bio­tech­no­lo­gi­cal inven­ti­ons in Colom­bia: pre­sent issues and per­spec­ti­ves”.


Patent Engi­neer at IP Law Firm Cave­lier Abo­ga­dos — Bogo­tá, Colom­bia


Spe­cia­list in Indus­tri­al Pro­per­ty Law, Copy­right and New Tech­no­lo­gies — Uni­ver­si­dad Exter­na­do de Colom­bia, Bogo­tá. Intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty law in the Ande­an Com­mu­ni­ty.


Spe­cia­list in Indus­tri­al Pro­per­ty Law, Copy­right and New Tech­no­lo­gies — Uni­ver­si­dad Exter­na­do de Colom­bia, Bogo­tá. Intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty law in the Ande­an Com­mu­ni­ty.


B.Sc. with Hono­urs in Bio­lo­gy from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Sas­kat­che­wan, Cana­da


  • 2005: Patentes de segundo uso en la Comunidad Andina. Latin Counsel.com.
    See: http://www.latincounsel.com/esp/noticiaampliada.php?nid=4893
  • 2005: Use and second use patents in the Andean Community. Infolex. Cavelier Abogados.
    See: http://www.cavelier.com/English/index1.htm
  • 2010: European Court of Justice Restricts Scope of Biotech Patents in Europe: Monsanto Loses Dispute on Soy Meal. Jones Day - Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2NHztcP
  • 2013: The EPO Rescinds its Current Practice for Divisional Filings. Internal Publication. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/30lmMGa
  • 2013: EPO Will Allow Payment of Additional Search Fees for European Regional Phase Applications. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2S1qd1X
  • 2015: Clarifying or Confirming the Extent of Process Exclusion under Art. 53(b) EPC?
    Decisions G 2/12 and G 2/13 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2FYP41h
  • 2015: EPO: Minor Text Changes to Patent Application Need Not Slow Grant Process. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2LHDco9
  • 2015: Partial Priority and Dealing with "Toxic Divisionals" under the European Patent Convention
    A New Referral to the EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal: Beyond G 2/98. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2Jor5el
  • 2016: EPO Announces Streamlined Opposition Proceedings. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2xBow1w 
  • 2016: Clarifying or Confusing? The European Commission Chews on Tomatoes and Broccoli. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2NGByWJ
  • 2017: Clarifying or Conforming? The EPO Bows to the European Commission. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2LHC3wR
  • 2018: Two Down, One to Go: The UK Ratifies Unified Patent Court Agreement. Jones Day – Commentary. See: https://bit.ly/2S0JKiO