Ortrun Günzel


Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist IP Lawyer

Ortrun Günzel has been an attorney at law since 2000. She joined df-mp as a partner in June 2019. She is qualified as a German Attorney at Law and as such authorized to represent clients before the German Courts, the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

+ 49 89 210 296 0





Ortrun Günzel


Attorney at Law, Certified Specialist IP Lawyer

Ortrun Günzel has been an attorney at law since 2000. She joined df-mp as a partner in June 2019. She is qualified as a German Attorney at Law and as such authorized to represent clients before the German Courts, the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the Court of Justice of the European Union as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

+ 49 89 210 296 0





practice areas.

Ortrun Günzel‘s primary focus is on trademark, design and unfair competition litigation, and she helps clients in developing their brand strategies and in defending and enforcing IP rights in and out of court. She has wide experience in anti-counterfeiting measures and in negotiating agreements for the exploitation of IP rights. Special expertise lies in matters relating to Geographical Indications and certification marks. Ortrun publishes and is a frequent speaker on trademark law. Ortrun is a member of MARQUES, the International Trademark Association (INTA), the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (GRUR), the Pharmaceutical Trademarks Group (PTMG), and the German Bar Association (DAV). She is chair of the MARQUES Geographical Indications Team and active in the INTA Geographical Indications Committee where she chaired the Geographical Indications Enforcement Subcommittee from 2015-2017.

df-mp recommended as firm for trademark law
df-mp recommended as firm for trademark law

We are plea­sed to be lis­ted for the second time…

df-mp awarded by WTR 1000
df-mp awarded by WTR 1000

df-mp is plea­sed that our Trade­marks Team made an ent­ry…

Support for the Trademark Department
Support for the Trademark Department

df-mp wel­co­mes a new col­le­ague to its Trade­mark Depart­ment: With Ange­la…


  • Attorney at Law
  • Certified Specialist IP Lawyer


  • WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals  2018/2019
  • Recommended for trade marks and unfair competition, JUVE 2017-2019
  • Especially recommended for trade marks and unfair competition, Legal 500 Germany 2017

curriculum vitae.

Since June 2019
Since June 2019

Part­ner at df-mp


Part­ner at Tay­lor Wes­sing


Part­ner at Hoff­mann Eit­le


Qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on as a Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list IP Lawy­er


Lawy­er at Hoff­mann Eit­le


Lawy­er at IP Bou­tique in Munich


Admis­si­on as a Lawy­er in Ber­lin


Second Sta­te Exam


First Sta­te Exam

association memberships.



  • Die Einführung der Gewährleistungsmarke – Steine statt Brot? Schutz und Durchsetzung von Prüf- und Gütesiegeln in Zeiten der (Unions-) Markenrechtsreform
  • MarkenR 2018, 523 – 529 (Heft 11-12)

  • From obscure speciality to breaking news: GIs under the spotlight

  • World Trademark Review, July 2018
  • Intellectual Property in the Life Sciences – A Global Guide to Rights and their Applications, 2nd edition 2015 (co-author)

  • Opposing third parties’ applications for geographical indications under Regulation 510/2006
  • Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, April 2012