Wir freuen uns erneut mit einem Managing IP Award geehrt zu werden – eine der renommiertesten Auszeichnungen der Branche. Für…
David Molnia
M.S. Elec. Eng., B.S. Physics
+ 49 89 210 296 0
David Molnia
M.S. Elec. Eng., B.S. Physics
+ 49 89 210 296 0
David Molnia ist Gründungsmitglied von df-mp. Seit 1994 ist er im gewerblichen Rechtschutz tätig. David Molnia vertritt Mandanten vor dem Europäischen Patentamt, dem Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt, dem Bundespatentgericht, dem Amt der Europäischen Union für geistiges Eigentum wie auch vor dem United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Unsere Kanzlei wird erneut als „leading firm“ im deutschen und europäischen Markt mit dem Chambers Europe Award ausgezeichnet. Neben der…
Wir freuen uns, auch in der diesjährigen Ausgabe von The Legal 500 Deutschland empfohlen zu werden: Der jährlich erscheinende Guide gilt…
Wir freuen uns, auch im diesjährigen JUVE Patent Germany Ranking 2021 in mehreren Rubriken gelistet zu sein und als eine…
Partnerin Sandra Pohlman wird als eine der besten Patentanwältinnen der Branche mit einer besonderen Auszeichnung geehrt: Managing IP’s “Top 250…
df-mp reiht sich in die Riege der “highly recommended” Patentanwaltskanzleien in der Kategorie “Prosecution and nullity” in der diesjährigen IAM…
- Patentanwalt
- European Patent Attorney
- European Trademark Attorney
- European Design Attorney
- US Patent Agent
- European Patent Litigator
- Das renommierte Fachmagazin Managing Intellectual Property hat David Molnia kontinuierlich seit 2018 jährlich als “IP Star” für Deutschland ausgezeichnet.
- Vorträge über Aspekte des europäischen und amerikanischen Patentrechts, unter anderem regelmäßig beim FORUM Institut für Management, bei IPforIP, wie auch bei AIPLA.
- Gewinner von drei MIP Awards 2020 für seine Tätigkeit in dem National Impact Case (Germany) Jostarndt Patentanwalts AG v IPCom (G 0002/19), und für zwei Cross-border Telecoms Patent Team of the Year Awards für IPCom zusammen mit den Kanzleien Bardehle Pagenberg, Bristows und Hengeler Mueller und für Unwired Planet zusammen mit den Kanzleien EIP, Osborne Clarke und Fieldfisher.
- Nokia vs. Verifone: representation of Nokia in its enforcement of telecom patents before the Unified Patent Court and the District Court of Mannheim as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court
- InterDigital vs. Oppo, Lenovo, Xiaomi: representation of Interdigital in its enforcement of its mobile communication patent portfolio before the District Court of München as well as in its defense of the patent portfolio before the Federal Patent Court
- Nokia vs. Oppo, OnePlus, Vivo: representation of Nokia in its enforcement of two telecom patents before the District Court of Mannheim as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court
- WSOU vs. Huawei, Samsung, ZTE, Microsoft, Dell, Xiaomi, Google: representation of WSOU in its enforcement of its patent portfolio before the District Court of München as well as in its defense of the patent portfolio before the Federal Patent Court
- INVTE vs. Apple, ZTE, Huawei: representation of INVTE in its enforcement of three telecom patents in dispute before the District Court of Munich as well as in the defence of the patents before the Federal Patent Court
- VW vs. Jaguar Land Rover: representation of Jaguar Land Rover in its defense against one patent in a dispute over engine start/stop technology before the District Court of Mannheim as well as in its challenge of the patent before the Federal Patent Court
- ABB vs. GE: representation of GE in its defense against a patent in a dispute over HVDC systems before the District Court of Mannheim as well as in its challenge of the patent before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Supreme Court
- France Brevet vs. Apple: representation of France Brevets in its enforcement of a NFC patent before the District Court of Mannheim as well as in the defence of the patent before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Supreme Court
- Conversant Wireless vs. Daimler: representation of Conversant Wireless in its enforcement of telecom patents in dispute over connected cars before the District Court of Munich as well as in the defence of the patents before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Supreme Court (Press)
- Nokia vs. Daimler: representation of Nokia in its enforcement of two telecom patents in disputes over connected cars before the District Court of Mannheim as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court (Press)
- IPCom GmbH & Co. KG vs. Nokia, HTC, Apple, Telekom, Vodafone: representation of IPCom in the enforcement of its patent portfolio before the District Courts of Mannheim, Düsseldorf and Munich as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions and oppositions (Press)
- Unwired Planet vs. Huawei, LG Electronics, Samsung, HTC, Google: representation of Unwired Planet in its enforcement of six telecom patents before the District Court of Düsseldorf as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Supreme Court (Press)
- FIPA AG vs. Samsung, LG Electronics, Sony, HTC: representation of FIPA in its enforcement of two telecom patents before the District Court of Munich and the District Court of Duesseldorf as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court (Press)
- Conversant Wireless vs. LG, Huawei, and ZTE: representation of Conversant Wireless in its enforcement of three telecom patents before the District Court of Düsseldorf and the District Court of Munich as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court (Press)
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft vs. ST Microelectronics: representation of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in its enforcement of three electronics patents relating to MEMS technology before the District Court of Düsseldorf as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Supreme Court
- OneButton vs. Apple, Samsung, and LG: representation of OneButton in its enforcement of one software patent before the District Court of Düsseldorf and the District Court of Mannheim as well as in its defense of the patent against an opposition before the European Patent Office and against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court
- Nokia vs. Apple: representation of Nokia in its enforcement of two telecom patents before the District Court of Düsseldorf (Press)
- Invensas vs. Samsung & Broadcom: representation of Invensas in the enforcement of a patent relating to the structure of a chip (“flip-chip”) before the District Court of Mannheim
- Avago vs. Audi and Volkswagen: representation of Avago Technologies in the enforcement of two patents relating to Bluetooth and Wifi technology before the District Court of Mannheim; had to hand over representation because of conflict (Press)
- Smartphone Technologies vs. Huawei, ZTE.: representation of Smartphone Technologies in its enforcement of a patent relating to the Android operating system before the District Court of Düsseldorf (Press)
- David Molnia ist Co-Author des Buchs "Das US-Patent", erschienen im Carl Heymanns Verlag
- David Molnia, Dominik Ho, Jakob Dandl. Chambers and Partners 2024: "Navigating the Evolving Landscape of German and European Patent Law: A Guide for Innovators" (Link zum Artikel)
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