Dominik Ho


Patent Attorney and Attorney-at-Law
Dr. rer. nat., M.Eng. (Cornell)

Dominik Ho has been working in the field of intellectual property since 2010. He specializes in physics, software, and communications engineering.

+ 49 89 210 296 0




Dominik Ho


Patent Attorney and Attorney-at-Law
Dr. rer. nat., M.Eng. (Cornell)

Dominik Ho has been working in the field of intellectual property since 2010. He specializes in physics, software, and communications engineering.

+ 49 89 210 296 0




practice areas.

The focus of his work lies in the area of contentious patent validity proceedings. Due to his dual qualification as patent attorney and attorney-at-law, he is often called upon to assist in patent infringement proceedings. In addition, he advises his clients in all patent-related areas.

df-mp and EIP secure victory for Datang over Samsung
df-mp and EIP secure victory for Datang over Samsung

The Munich Regio­nal Court (docket num­ber 21 O 16085/22) on…

df-mp recommended as a top-tier law firm
df-mp recommended as a top-tier law firm

We are plea­sed to be recom­men­ded again in the latest…

df-mp recommended in JUVE Patent Germany Ranking 2021
df-mp recommended in JUVE Patent Germany Ranking 2021

We are deligh­ted to be lis­ted again in this year’s…

IAM Patent 1000: The world's leading patent attorneys 2021
IAM Patent 1000: The world's leading patent attorneys 2021

df-mp joins the ranks of “high­ly recom­men­ded” patent law firms…

Third victory for df-mp and Unwired Planet
Third victory for df-mp and Unwired Planet

df-mp suc­cessful­ly defen­ded the patent EP 1 105 991 against…

df-mp among the most recommended patent firms
df-mp among the most recommended patent firms

We proud­ly announ­ce that df-mp is among the most recom­men­ded patent…

Conversant and df-mp win against Huawei and ZTE
Conversant and df-mp win against Huawei and ZTE

The Dis­trict Court of Düs­sel­dorf has deci­ded: Mobi­le pho­ne manu­fac­tu­r­ers…

Five IP stars for df-mp
Five IP stars for df-mp

df-mp is proud to recei­ve ano­ther five IP stars this…


Df-mp suc­cessful­ly defends fur­ther nul­li­ty actions in patent dis­pu­te for…

Five IP-Stars go to the df-mp team
Five IP-Stars go to the df-mp team

df-mp is deligh­ted that five part­ners have been award­ed the…


  • Attorney at Law
  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • German Trademark Attorney
  • Unified Patent Court (UPC) representative


  • IAM Patent 1000 Recommended Individual
  • JUVE Handbook Recommended Individual
  • JUVE Handbook "Ones To Watch In Litigation"
  • MIP Handbook IP Star
  • Winner of two MIP Awards 2020 for his work in two Cross-border Telecoms Patent Teams for IPCom and for Unwired Planet
  • Winner of MIP Award 2022 for his work in Cross-border Patent Litigation Team of the Year for Interdigital
  • Scholar of the Bavarian Elite Network
  • Fulbright Scholar

curriculum vitae.

Since January 2021
Since January 2021

Admis­si­on as att­or­ney at law

Since 2017
Since 2017

Part­ner at df-mp

Since 2013
Since 2013

Admis­si­on as patent att­or­ney


Patent att­or­ney can­di­da­te at df-mp


Doc­to­ra­te Degree in Bio­phy­sics and Mole­cu­lar Mate­ri­als at the LMU Munich


Stu­dies of Phy­sics at the Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty, USA


Stu­dies of Phy­sics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hei­del­berg, Ger­ma­ny

Representative cases.

  • IPBridge vs. Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE: representation of IPBridge in its enforcement of its mobile communication patent portfolio before the District Court of München, Hamburg, and Mannheim as well as in its defense of the patent portfolio before the Federal Patent Court
  • InterDigital vs. Xiaomi: representation of Interdigital in its enforcement of its mobile communication patent portfolio before the District Court of München as well as in its defense of the patent portfolio before the Federal Patent Court (Press)
  • Google vs. Sonos: representation of Sonos in its enforcement of a patent concerning connected speaker technology before the District Court of Hamburg in expedited proceedings (Press #1, #2)
  • Sonos vs. Google: representation of Sonos in its defense against two patents in a dispute over connected speakers before the District Court of Munich as well as in its challenge of the patents before the Federal Patent Court
  • IPBridge vs. LG: representation of IPBridge in its enforcement of three telecom patents in disputes before the District Court of Mannheim
  • WSOU vs. Huawei, Microsoft, Juniper, HP: representation of WSOU in its enforcement of its cloud computing patent portfolio before the District Courts of München, Düsseldorf, and Mannheim as well as in its defense of the patent portfolio before the Federal Patent Court
  • INVTE vs. Apple, ZTE, Huawei: representation of INVTE in its enforcement of three telecom patents in dispute before the District Court of Munich as well as in the defence of the patents before the Federal Patent Court
  • France Brevet vs. Apple: representation of France Brevets in its enforcement of a NFC patent before the District Court of Mannheim as well as in the defence of the patent before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice
  • Conversant Wireless vs. Daimler: representation of Conversant Wireless in its enforcement of telecom patents in dispute over connected cars before the District Court of Munich as well as in the defence of the patents before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice (Press)
  • Nokia vs. Daimler: representation of Nokia in its enforcement of two telecom patents in disputes over connected cars before the District Court of Mannheim as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court (Press)
  • IPCom GmbH & Co. KG vs. Nokia, HTC, Apple, Telekom, Vodafone: representation of IPCom in the enforcement of its patent portfolio before the District Courts of Mannheim, Düsseldorf and Munich as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions and oppositions (Press)
  • Unwired Planet vs. Huawei, LG Electronics, Samsung, HTC, Google: representation of Unwired Planet in its enforcement of six telecom patents before the District Court of Düsseldorf as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice(Press)
  • FIPA AG vs. Samsung, LG Electronics, Sony, HTC: representation of FIPA in its enforcement of two telecom patents before the District Court of Munich and the District Court of Duesseldorf as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court (Press)
  • Conversant Wireless vs. LG, Huawei, and ZTE: representation of Conversant Wireless in its enforcement of three telecom patents before the District Court of Düsseldorf and the District Court of Munich as well as in its defense of the patents against nullity actions before the Federal Patent Court (Press)
  • Nokia vs. Apple: representation of Nokia in its enforcement of two telecom patents before the District Court of Düsseldorf (Press)
  • Smartphone Technologies vs. Huawei, ZTE: representation of Smartphone Technologies in its enforcement of a patent relating to the Android operating system before the District Court of Düsseldorf (Press)


  • Severin, P. M. D., D. Ho, and H. E. Gaub. 2011. "A high throughput moleculare force assay for protein-DNA interactions." Lab on a Chip.11:856-862.
  • Ho, D., J. L. Zimmermann, F. A. Dehmelt, U. Steinbach, M. Erdmann, P. Severin, K. Falter, H. E. Gaub. 2009. "Force-driven separation of short double stranded DNA." Biophysical Journal. 97:3158-3167.
  • Ho, D., K. Falter, P. Severin, H. E. Gaub. 2009. "DNA as a Force Sensor in an Aptamer-Based Biochip for Adenosine." Analytical chemistry. 81:3159-3164.
  • Ho, D., C. Dose, C. H. Albrecht, P. Severin, K. Falter, P. B. Dervan, and H. E. Gaub. 2009. "Quantitative Detection of Small Molecule/DNA Complexes Employing a Force-Based and Label-Free DNA-Microarray." Biophysical Journal. 96:4661-4671.
  • Muñoz Javier, A., P. Del Pino, M. F. Bedard, D. Ho, A. G. Skirtach, G. B. Sukhorukov, C. Plank, and W. J. Parak. 2008. "Photoactivated release of cargo from the cavity of polyelectrolyte capsules to the cytosol of cells." Langmuir. 24:12517-12520.
  • Valero, V., T. Nevian, D. Ho, and M. Lindau. 2008. "Tethering Forces of Secretory Granules Measured with Optical Tweezers."Biophysical Journal. 95:4972-4978.
  • Dose, C.*, D. Ho, H. E. Gaub, P. B. Dervan, and C. H. Albrecht. 2007. "Recognition of "Mirror-Image" DNA by Small Molecules."Angewandte Chemie, International Edition. 46:8384-8387. Bemerkung: (*) geteilte Erstautorschaft.
  • Dominik Ho, Jakob Dandl. 2023. "Gerichtlicher Hinweis des BPatG: Grenzen der gerichtlichen Mitwirkung". GRUR Patent. 286. (Link to article)