H. Ulrich Dörries


Dr. sc. nat., Dipl.-Biol.

Dr. Dörries has been active in intellectual property since 1993 and is co-founder and partner of df-mp. His technical expertise inter alia spans the areas molecular biology, biotechnology, immunology, pharmaceuticals and polymer chemistry. His legal qualifications enable him to represent clients before the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), the European Patent Office (EPO), the German Federal Patent Court (GFPC), the German Federal Court of Justice (FSC; in appeals from the GFPC), the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

+ 49 89 210 296 0

H. Ulrich Dörries


Dr. sc. nat., Dipl.-Biol.

Dr. Dörries has been active in intellectual property since 1993 and is co-founder and partner of df-mp. His technical expertise inter alia spans the areas molecular biology, biotechnology, immunology, pharmaceuticals and polymer chemistry. His legal qualifications enable him to represent clients before the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), the European Patent Office (EPO), the German Federal Patent Court (GFPC), the German Federal Court of Justice (FSC; in appeals from the GFPC), the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

+ 49 89 210 296 0

practice areas.

A main aspect of Dr. Dörries’ practice is advising and representing clients in opposition proceedings, nullity actions and patent infringement proceedings and providing corresponding opinions. He has successfully enforced and/or defended his clients’ interests in various high profile patent disputes. Another aspect of his practice is drafting and prosecuting patent applications before the GPTO and the EPO. He has furthermore comprehensive expertise in advising on supplementary protection certificates and coordinating the filing and prosecution of corresponding applications in Germany and throughout Europe.


df-mp recommended as a top-tier law firm
df-mp recommended as a top-tier law firm

We are plea­sed to be recom­men­ded again in the latest…

df-mp recommended in JUVE Patent Germany Ranking 2021
df-mp recommended in JUVE Patent Germany Ranking 2021

We are deligh­ted to be lis­ted again in this year’s…

IP Stars firm award
IP Stars firm award

df-mp is one of three Ger­man patent and trade­mark law…

IAM Patent 1000: The world's leading patent attorneys 2021
IAM Patent 1000: The world's leading patent attorneys 2021

df-mp joins the ranks of “high­ly recom­men­ded” patent law firms…

df-mp among the most recommended patent firms
df-mp among the most recommended patent firms

We proud­ly announ­ce that df-mp is among the most recom­men­ded patent…

Teva and df-mp also succeed in the second instance in the revocation proceedings concerning the supplementary protection certificate (SPC) for Gilead's HIV drug TRUVADA®
Teva and df-mp also succeed in the second instance in…

Teva and df-mp can report ano­ther suc­cess: In an appeal…

df-mp and Ceva win against Bayer
df-mp and Ceva win against Bayer

Sucess for Ceva: The com­pa­ny is now allo­wed to mar­ket its…

Five IP stars for df-mp
Five IP stars for df-mp

df-mp is proud to recei­ve ano­ther five IP stars this…

Success for Hexal and Teva
Success for Hexal and Teva

The phar­maceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies Hex­al and Teva may con­ti­nue to sell…

Five IP-Stars go to the df-mp team
Five IP-Stars go to the df-mp team

df-mp is deligh­ted that five part­ners have been award­ed the…


  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • European Trademark Attorney
  • European Design Attorney
  • Unified Patent Court (UPC) representative


  • Authored various scientific articles in international journals
  • Authored various articles on the development of patent law in the field of biotechnology/pharmaceuticals
  • Speaker at various international patent conferences (organized, e.g., by EuroForum, EuroLegal, IQPC, ACI, CIPA – Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, EPLA, C5 etc.) on topics related to the procurement and enforcement of IP rights in the pharmaceutical/biotech area
  • Recommended in IAM 1000 2018 for “Prosecution and Nullity” in Germany
  • Named as IP Star in the “Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) Handbook” 2018
  • Listed as “Most Highly Regarded” in the category “Patent Agents” in Who’s Who Legal: Germany 2019

curriculum vitae.

Since 2000
Since 2000

Co-foun­­der and part­ner at df-mp


Asso­cia­te at the law firm of Bar­deh­le Pagen­berg and sub­se­quent­ly at the Froh­wit­ter law firm, both in Munich.


Doc­to­ra­te Degree in Mole­cu­lar Bio­lo­gy (with a spe­cial­ty in neu­ro­bio­lo­gy) from the Swiss Fede­ral Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy in Zurich, Switz­er­land.


Diplo­ma in Bio­lo­gy from the Ruprecht-Karls-Uni­­ver­­­si­­ty in Hei­del­berg (diplo­ma the­sis in the area of gene regu­la­ti­on via tran­scrip­ti­on fac­tors).

Representative cases.

  • Escitalopram / Cipralex®nullity action (Federal Supreme Court (FSC) Xa ZR 130/07 – Escitalopram
  • Memantin / Memantin Merz®nullity action (FSC X ZR 68/08 – Memantine)
  • Factor VIII / Octanat®: nullity action, FSC X ZR 77/12 – Protein Separation
  • Quetiapin / Seroquel XR®nullity action, FSC X ZR 41/13 – Quetiapine
  • Valganciclovir / Valcyte®: nullity action, BGH X ZR 105/14 – Valganciclovir
  • Pregabalin / Lyrica®: patent infringement proceedings
  • Erlotinib / Tarceva®nullity action
  • DMF / Tecfidera®opposition proceedings, utility model cancellation proceedings, patent infringement proceedings
  • Tadalafil / Cialis®nullity action
  • Pirfenidon / Esbriet®opposition proceedings
  • Tenofovir-Emtricitabin / Truvada®nullity action re. SPC
  • Denosumab / Prolia®, Xgeva®various opposition proceedings
  • Natalizumab / Tysabri®: nullity action
  • Evolocumab / Repatha®/ Alirocumab®/ Praluent®: opposition proceedings, patent infringement proceedings, compulsory license proceedings


association memberships.