Nikola Wiesemann

Senior Associate

Graduate physicist

Nikola Wiesemann has worked in Intellectual Property since 2005. She joined df-mp in 2022 and has since focused mainly on patent litigation proceedings as well as infringement and validity opinions. As a registered European Patent Attorney, she is able to assist and represent clients in all patent related matters.

+ 49 89 210 296 0

Nikola Wiesemann

Senior Associate

Graduate physicist

Nikola Wiesemann has worked in Intellectual Property since 2005. She joined df-mp in 2022 and has since focused mainly on patent litigation proceedings as well as infringement and validity opinions. As a registered European Patent Attorney, she is able to assist and represent clients in all patent related matters.

+ 49 89 210 296 0

practice areas.

Nikola mainly works in the fields of telecommunication, video coding and networks, particularly in relation to standard-essential patents. She also has extensive experience in automotive technologies, optics and other technical fields.

df-mp and EIP secure victory for Datang over Samsung
df-mp and EIP secure victory for Datang over Samsung

The Munich Regio­nal Court (docket num­ber 21 O 16085/22) on…

df-mp and EIP secure victory for Datang over Samsung
df-mp and EIP secure victory for Datang over Samsung

The Munich Regio­nal Court (docket num­ber 21 O 16085/22) on…


  • European Patent Attorney

curriculum vitae.

Since 2022
Since 2022

Seni­or Asso­cia­te at df-mp


Euro­pean Patent Att­or­ney at Dehns Ger­ma­ny, Mün­chen (pre­vious­ly Kud­lek Gru­n­ert and Part­ners)


Intern­ship at Kan­gxin Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty Agen­cy, Bejing, Chi­na (Sep/Oct)


Patent engineer/European Patent Att­or­ney at Becker Kurig Straus Patent­an­wäl­te, Mün­chen


Diplo­ma in Phy­sics, TU Mün­chen


various intern­ships and assistant posi­ti­ons: Max-Planck-Ins­ti­­tu­­te of Quan­tum Optics, Sie­mens Cor­po­ra­te Tech­no­lo­gy, Insti­tu­te of Hydrochemistry/TUM, Insti­tu­te of Aviation/ Kyiv (Ukrai­ne)