Philipp Nordmeyer


LL.M., Dipl.-Phys.

Philipp Nordmeyer advises clients in all matters of intellectual property rights. His technical focus lies in the fields of applied physics, semiconductor technology, mechanical engineering, medical technology, automotive engineering, optics, information technology, electrical engineering, electronics and electro acoustics.

+ 49 89 210 296 0

Philipp Nordmeyer


LL.M., Dipl.-Phys.

Philipp Nordmeyer advises clients in all matters of intellectual property rights. His technical focus lies in the fields of applied physics, semiconductor technology, mechanical engineering, medical technology, automotive engineering, optics, information technology, electrical engineering, electronics and electro acoustics.

+ 49 89 210 296 0

practice areas.

Philipp Nordmeyer has extensive experience in advising and representing national and international companies on patent law. He concentrates on the strategic development of effective and enforceable intellectual property rights portfolios. A further focus of Philipp Nordmeyer is the representation of his clients’ interests in opposition and appeal proceedings, in nullity proceedings as well as in patent litigation. He represents clients before the European Patent Office, the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice.


df-mp recommended as a top-tier law firm
df-mp recommended as a top-tier law firm

We are plea­sed to be recom­men­ded again in the latest…

Support for the Trademark Department
Support for the Trademark Department

df-mp wel­co­mes a new col­le­ague to its Trade­mark Depart­ment: With Ange­la…

Philipp Nordmeyer invited as guest lecturer
Philipp Nordmeyer invited as guest lecturer

Part­ner Phil­ipp Nord­mey­er fol­lows the invi­ta­ti­on of the Forum Insti­tu­te…

df-mp publishes article in the current  "IAM Guide“
df-mp publishes article in the current "IAM Guide“

In coope­ra­ti­on with the Euro­pean Patent Office, df-mp has published…


  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • Unified Patent Court (UPC) representative
  • European Trademark Attorney
  • European Design Attorney


  • Philipp Nordmeyer is a lecturer for patent law at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich and regularly speaks on patent law.

curriculum vitae.

Since 2012
Since 2012

Part­ner at df-mp

Since 2012
Since 2012

Lec­tu­rer for patent law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Munich

Since 2010
Since 2010

Patent att­or­ney at df-mp


Mas­ter of Laws degree (LL.M.) — stu­dies in Euro­pean Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty Law


Ger­man patent att­or­ney and Euro­pean patent att­or­ney at the patent law firm Hoff­mann Eit­le in Munich


Admis­si­on as Ger­man Patent Att­or­ney, Euro­pean Patent Att­or­ney, Euro­pean Trade­mark Att­or­ney and Euro­pean Design Att­or­ney


Patent att­or­ney can­di­da­te at the patent law firms Mai­kow­ski & Nin­ne­mann (Ber­lin) and Dum­met Copp (Eng­land), at the Dis­trict Court in Mann­heim, at the Ger­man Trade­mark and Patent Office as well as at the Ger­man Fede­ral Patent Court


Stu­dies of Phy­sics at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Ber­lin, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Goet­tin­gen, the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Buda­pest (Hun­ga­ry) and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Upp­sa­la (Swe­den). Diplo­ma the­sis foun­ded by the Volks­wa­gen Foun­da­ti­on: “Cha­rac­te­ri­sa­ti­on of poly­mers for micro-holo­­gra­­phic data sto­rage”. Award of the Wil­helm and Else Heraeus Foun­da­ti­on (2001)

association memberships.